Posts Tagged ‘Vague Metropolitan Snapshottery’

Leave it to Breeders: Air Weddings Edition

August 13, 2009

Another upscale Renaissance Faire wedding dream come true!

Well, leaping lizards! Congratulations on the marriage of the Sorry sisters to an entire men’s bowling league. This sister act from Nebraska doesn’t lose a wink of sleep over such “societal norms” as “conventional beauty” or “taste in clothing,” and they’re all the more redundant for it! Meanwhile, back in Pennsylvania Dutch country, the backwoodz boyz are all fancied up and ready for a good old fashioned game of “snake in the outhouse.” And don’t forget, y’all—the reception’s being held on the scenic shores of Lake Sad Times Ahead!

Thank goodness the photographer had the good sense to turn down the gravity a little, so as to subtly draw the viewer’s eye away from the bride, and toward anything else.


Please note male ghost figure on the right. Eat that, Disney!

I’ll just start off by saying that I wish all straight weddings floated quite like this one. But unfortunately we may never know what the gay wanna-be fashion photographer shouted at Troupe Boring to make them raise their hands and jump like the Pointer Sisters. In the meantime I’ll sit and marvel at the Groom’s enchantingly flat-footed Dick Van Dyke jump, which he must have self-consciously perfected on putting greens all over the country before his “big day.” Also, how convenient that these lovebirds got married in a generic urban industrial waste-dump, so that their clichéd personalities could shine like Penelope Cruz and Halle Berry in Gothika. I just love it when Bride & Groom decide on their wedding day to use the futuristic technology of Vague Metropolitan Snapshottery to pretend like they led exciting lives “downtown” before they got married.

Now we can all enjoy the vague, happy memories of jumping in place currently reserved for those who can legally wed.
